SPECIAL CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING: India’s Brutal Persecution of Kashmir - IAMC
Home SPECIAL CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING: India’s Brutal Persecution of Kashmir

SPECIAL CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING: India’s Brutal Persecution of Kashmir

For over 30 years, the Indian Government and its agencies, including the military, have carried out massive violations of civil and political liberties, human rights and religious freedom in Kashmir.

Since 1989, tens of thousands have been killed, including extrajudicially and in police or military custody in Kashmir. Countless Kashmiri Muslims have disappeared with no trace. Abductions, rapes, torture and other forms of brutalization have been common.

An overwhelming majority of the victims have been Muslims. With the revocation of Article 370 in 2019, the status of Kashmir’s 8 million Muslims worsened sharply.

Please join this briefing to hear the world’s leading experts expose the stark truth about Kashmir under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rule.

Genocide Watch, World Without Genocide, 21Wilberforce, Indian American Muslim Council, Hindus for Human Rights, International Christian Concern, Jubilee Campaign, Dalit Solidarity Forum, New York State Council of Churches, Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America, India Civil Watch International, Center for Pluralism, American Muslim Institution, Students Against Hindutva Ideology, International Society for Peace and Justice, Students Against Hindutva Ideology, The Humanism Project and Association of Indian Muslims of America.

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Apr 20 2022


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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Apr 20 2022

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