Three arrested for protesting demolition attempt of mosque in Maharashtra - IAMC
cow vigilante

Hindu extremists attack truck over alleged cattle transport, cause accident

In Maharashtra’s Nashik, Hindu extremist cow vigilantes chased and attacked a truck over suspicion of cattle transport, causing an accident. 

Hindu militant mobs regularly target Muslims over baseless accusations of committing crimes. These mobs, also known as cow vigilantes, attack and often lynch Muslims accused of transporting cattle or consuming beef. 

Officials demolish Muslim shrine in Delhi

In the capital city of Delhi, civic officials demolished a Muslim shrine alleging that the shrine was an encroachment of government-owned land.

Just days ago, in Uttar Pradesh, a Hindu extremist priest led a mob in demolishing a Muslim shrine, and then installed an idol and a saffron flag at the site, while police looked on. 

Hindu extremist group announces decision to carry weapons during Hindu processions 

Hindu extremist leader Gangadhar Kulkarni announced to the media that his militant group, Shri Ram Sene, has decided to carry weapons during Hindu religious processions in Karnataka. 

“I warn the Muslim goons, you can’t pelt stones or wave swords… Shri Ram will give protection to the processions, and fifty youth will carry swords,” he declared during the group’s district conference. 

Police arrest Christians, disrupt prayer meet over alleged forced conversion

In Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled Uttar Pradesh’s Jaunpur, police officials disrupted a Christian prayer meet and arrested multiple people over allegations of them forcing Hindus to convert to Christianity. 

Christians across states have been arrested under India’s draconian anti-conversion law, which criminalizes conversion away from Hinduism. D.C.-based human rights group International Christian Concern has named India among the top 10 countries persecuting Christians in its 2023 Persecutors of the Year Report.