Muslim food delivery agent assaulted, locked up by Hindu extremists - IAMC
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Muslim food delivery agent assaulted, locked up by Hindu extremists

In far-right Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow, a Muslim food delivery agent was assaulted, subjected to Islamophobic slurs, had liquor poured on him, and was held hostage for over an hour by Hindu extremist men.

The victim was attacked by four men at a house where he had gone to deliver food. 

“They asked me for my name and due to my Muslim name, tortured me even more,” the victim said. 

The police have arrested only one of the accused and have denied that the incident was an anti-Muslim crime, stating instead that the victim was assaulted following a “dispute” during the delivery.

Muslim mechanic beaten to death by Hindu customer in Madhya Pradesh

In far-right BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh’s Neemuch, a 23-year-old Muslim mechanic, Ameen Mansuri was beaten to death by his Hindu customer, allegedly following an argument over an old dispute between them.  

While Ameen was changing a bike tire, he got into an argument with Mahesh Patidar, the customer. During the altercation, Mahesh struck Ameen on the head with an iron rod, killing him. 

BJP minister Himanta Sarma targets Muslim journalist over his religious identity

During an interaction with journalists, Assam chief minister and serial hatemonger Himanta Biswa Sarma sarcastically asked a Muslim journalist if “his people” would let them live in Assam.

Journalist Shah Alam had raised a question on the incessant cutting down of hills being reported from Sarma’s constituency, which have been linked to environmental degradation and flooding.

Sarma, known for his Islamophobic remarks, responded  that there is no connection between the reports on the cutting down of hills in his constituency and the floods caused by a Muslim-owned university. This comes weeks after his “flood-jihad” jibe aimed at a Muslim proprietor of a private university located in neighboring Meghalaya state.

Sarma then retorted Alam by asking his name. After Alam revealed his name, Sarma continued his communal diatribe by peddling anti-Muslim conspiracy theories of demographic change in the region. 

Hindu extremist leaders openly call for anti-Muslim violence, repeat of pogroms

In Raipur, Chhattisgrah, a Hindu extremist leader openly called for armed violence against Muslims and called for a repeat of the 2002 Gujarat pogrom that resulted in the death of thousands of Muslims. 

In Rajasthan, Hindu extremist leaders publicly called on Hindus to take up arms and orchestrate anti-Muslim. At another event in Sikar, Hindu leaders called for an economic boycott against Muslims.

In Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, a Hindu monk openly advocated for violence against Muslims. In Barabanki, Hindu religious preacher Raju Das delivered a hate speech against Muslims.