Narendra Modi re-elected as Prime Minister for a third term - IAMC
Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi re-elected as Prime Minister for a third term

Hindu supremacist Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been elected to be sworn in for a third term after an unexpectedly close election that forced his party into a coalition government.

The elections have been criticized for not being free and fair by activists. In addition to controlling the mainstream media, the Modi regime abused government agencies to jail opposition leaders, freeze the Congress Party’s bank accounts, and engaged in voter suppression of Muslims. Modi and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidates also regularly made anti Muslim hate speeches in clear violation of Indian law, which prohibits communal speeches as a means to win votes. 

The BJP is now down to 240 seats in parliament, well below the 303 it won five years ago and 32 short of a majority on its own.

Hindu extremists beat man over alleged cattle transport 

In Jaipur, Rajasthan, Hindu extremist cow vigilantes brutally beat a man over allegations of transporting cattle. 

Hindu militant mobs regularly attack Muslims over baseless accusations of committing crimes. These mobs, also known as cow vigilantes, assault and often lynch Muslims accused of transporting cattle or consuming beef. 

Hindu man pretends to be Muslim, makes communal claims in viral video

A Hindu man, Dhirendra Raghav, attempted to stoke anti Muslim sentiments by filming himself dressed in Muslim garb while making incendiary comments about Hindus. The video has been widely shared with a communal claim to incite Hindus against Muslims.