Officials demolish homes of two Muslim men over alleged cow slaughter - IAMC
Bulldozing Muslim Homes

Officials demolish homes of two Muslim men over alleged cow slaughter

In Seoni, Madhya Pradesh, officials used bulldozers to demolish the houses of two Muslim men following allegations of cow slaughter. These demolitions come on the heels of a major string of demolitions in the state , the homes of 11 Muslim families were demolished after police claimed they had found beef stored in their refrigerators – even though the meat samples found in the homes are still in the process of being tested

Police raid house, arrest woman for storing beef in Uttarakhand

In Uttarakhand, police raided a house and arrested a women for allegedly storing 50 kilograms of beef. In Raichur, Karnataka, Hindu extremist cow vigilantes attacked a man for allegedly transporting cattle.

In Bundi, Rajasthan, cow vigilantes attacked and vandalized a truck and then assaulted its driver for transporting cattle. In Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, a mob of locals attacked and vandalized a truck transporting cattle.

Officials demolish mosque in Delhi after Hindu supremacist leader’s complaint

Officials demolished a mosque in the capital city of Delhi based on the complaint of a Hindu supremacist leader Preet Sirohi who claimed that the place of worship was an “illegal encroachment.” It is the latest mosque to be demolished in an ongoing endemic of anti-Muslim demolition drives as a form of collective punishment. 

Last week, another mosque was demolished by officials based on similar allegations made by Sirohi. 

Hindu extremist groups continue to deliver hate speech, conduct weapons training

In Mumbai, Maharashtra, a Hindu supremacist leader delivered an anti-Muslim hate speech at an event organized by Hindu militat groups Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal. “Muslim street vendors have no right to do business here,” she told the crowd, while fear-mongering against Muslims and Rohingya refugees.

In Dwarka, Gujarat, women from the Hindu militant group Vishwa Hindu Parishad organized a military style march brandishing guns, swords and sticks. A similar military style march was held in Faridabad, Haryana.