Three arrested for protesting demolition attempt of mosque in Maharashtra - IAMC
Subhania Mosque

Three arrested for protesting demolition attempt of mosque in Maharashtra

A protest erupted in Maharashtra’s Dharavi as civic officials attempted to demolish what they claimed was an illegal section of the Subhania Mosque. The situation escalated when the protesters, estimated to be around 5,000 strong, clashed with the officials, allegedly leading to property damage. 

In response, police have arrested three individuals accused of inciting the protest.

Due to the unrest, the mosque committee has been given eight days to address the alleged illegal construction, during which no further action will be taken against the mosque.

Hindu mobs try to storm into mosque, raise anti-Muslim slogans in Himachal Pradesh

In Himachal Pradesh, a Hindu supremacist mob  vandalized shops rented by Muslims and tried to storm into a mosque. When the police stopped them from reaching the mosque, they sat on the ground outside the mosque and started chanting anti-Muslim slogans and Hindu religious prayers.

In Panchrukhi, several anti-muslim hateful slogans were raised in a protest rally by Hindu organisations. There is an ongoing anti-mosque campaign in Himachal Pradesh, triggering protests and threats to demolish several Muslim places of worship.

Federal minister Amit Shah threatens to “hang infiltrators upside down”

In Jharkhand’s Sahibganj, federal minister Amit Shah delivered an anti-Muslim hate speech. He referred to Bangladeshi immigrants and Rohigya refugees as “infiltrators” and spread false propaganda against them. He also threatened to deport them and violently harm them. 

“Elect us; we will hang these infiltrators upside down and teach them a lesson,” he said. 

Just days ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also delivered a hate speech against Bangladeshi and Rohingya Muslims, claiming that they were “infiltrators” taking over positions in village councils in Jharkhand.

Police, Hindu extremists target Muslim men over alleged cow transport

In Rajasthan’s Bharatpur, police carried out midnight raids to arrest Muslim men for alleged “cow smuggling.”

In BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura, Hindu extremist cow vigilantes assaulted a truck driver and his handyman for allegedly transporting cattle. In Madhya Pradesh’s Nakjhar, cow vigilantes from the Hindu militant group Bajrang Dal who had their face covered with saffron scarves harassed a Muslim driver transporting cattle. 

Hindu supremacists barge in, vandalize home over alleged religious conversion

In Madhya Pradesh’s Indore, Hindu supremacists forcefully entered and vandalized a house accusing them of forcibly converting Hindus. In a video of the incident, police can be seen saying there was no such conversion.

Attacks and arrests of Christians and Muslims across states have become common under India’s draconian anti-conversion law, which criminalizes conversion away from Hinduism.