Two Muslims shot dead by police during eviction drive- IAMC
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Two Muslims shot dead by police during eviction drive

At least two Muslims,18-year-old Jubahir Ali and Haidar Ali, were shot dead by police officials after an eviction drive that demolished over 140 homes in Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled Assam’s Kamrup. 

Local residents claim the eviction targeted only Muslim-majority areas with at least 60 Muslim families being evicted. Meanwhile, homes owned by non-Muslims were left untouched. 

“It is a communal eviction…Non-Muslims and non-tribals were not evicted. Thousands of non-Muslims are living on government land,” a local resident alleged. 

Hindu extremists protest Muslim man’s purchase of house in Hindu-majority area

Hindu extremists groups in BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar vehemently opposed the recent purchase of a house by a Muslim advocate in a predominantly Hindu neighborhood. 

Protesters gathered outside the advocate’s new home, chanting slogans against his presence and expressing unreasonable fears of displacement for existing Hindu residents. Amid the growing controversy, the advocate is reportedly considering selling the property. 

Instances of religious discrimination in housing have been reported in India for many years. In June, a Muslim woman faced similar discrimination in Gujarat’s Vadodara. Last month, in Bareilly,Hindu residents demanded that authorities cancel the registration of a house bought by a Muslim woman. 

Elderly Rohingya refugee dies after 1,287 days of indefinite detention 

75-year-old Rohingya refugee Lalu Bibi passed away in a sub-jail converted into a “holding center” for Rohingya detainees in Jammu. She had been held since March 2021. Bibi is the seventh Rohingya refugee to die in the facility, where nearly 270 refugees remain in indefinite detention.

The cause of death is not confirmed. Several detainees, including Bibi, have refugee cards issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). This week, UNHCR said in a statement that there are 676 Rohingya refugees in detention across India and 608 of them have no ongoing court cases or sentences pending.