A timeline of hate, intimidation and injustice in Modi's India - By Rana Ayyub - IAMC
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A timeline of hate, intimidation and injustice in Modi’s India – By Rana Ayyub



The events of the past few days show how hate continues to spread across India, enabled by Modi’s silence and his majoritarian politics…. Modi gets to ignore all of this since he’s been so busy celebrating India’s victories at the Tokyo Olympics, coopting them as his own. News channels that should be questioning the prime minister over his criminal abdication for the attack on the minorities instead have showered him in praise for India’s performance at the Games.


It seems like most people prefer wearing a tricolored blindfold than facing reality: Islamophobia, tyranny and injustice are gnawing India; critics are being silenced with intimidation tactics or being surveilled with spyware.


The cries of Ahmad’s young daughter as she tried to protect him made me and millions of Indians feel helpless; Hindu nationalist forces are growing more emboldened and violent. People are being tormented for speaking truths that destroy the well-oiled PR machinery of the government. With each passing week, Indian “democracy” makes it harder for citizens with a conscience to breathe. Can the world continue to be a silent spectator?
