At London event, Hindu monk calls for India to be a Hindu nation - IAMC
Hindu nation

At London event, Hindu monk calls for India to be a Hindu nation

A Hindu extremist monk, Dhirendra Shastri, made open calls to convert India from a secular democracy into a Hindu nation during a packed Hindu supremacist event in London. His hateful remarks were met with cheers and affirmations from the hundreds of Hindu supremacists watching. 

210 families, mosque in Assam forced to vacate or face consequences

Officials of BJP-ruled Assam’s forest department have ordered over 210 families – including Muslims and people from other marginalized groups – to vacate their homes within a mere 15 days. The officials also threatened the residents with consequences if they failed to vacate.  According to residents, the settlement in the village dates back to the 1950s and 1960s. 

Muslim-owned houses ransacked by police in Bihar 

Homes of Muslims in Bihar state’s Darbhanga district were ransacked and vandalized by police officers, who barged into the homes and destroyed furniture and appliances. Residents also reported that the police clashed with women and elderly civilians. 

UN Special Rapporteur of Minority Rights expresses concern over human rights in India

In Washington DC, United Nations Special Rapporteur of Minority Rights Dr. Fernand de Varennes said that there is an “obvious and disturbing trend in the increasing allegations” relating to human rights abuses against minorities that are being submitted to the UN regarding India.