BJP supporters attack Muslim-owned TV channel - IAMC

BJP supporters attack Muslim-owned TV channel amid election victory celebration

Amid election victory celebrations, supporters of the far-right Bharatiya Janata Party threw firecrackers at and attempted to break into the headquarters of a Muslim-owned news channel, MediaOne TV, in Kerala’s Kozhikode.

The channel was previously banned for its critical coverage of Hindu paramilitary group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and BJP, but India’s top court revoked the ban, calling it arbitrary and unjust.

Hindu extremists beat driver over allegations of cattle transport

In Rajasthan, Hindu extremist cow vigilantes beat a truck driver for allegedly transporting cattle.

Last week, in Gujarat, a Muslim man was attacked and lynched to death by Hindu extremist cow vigilantes while he was on his way to a relative’s house with two buffaloes. Hindu militant mobs have increasingly been targeting Muslims over baseless accusations of committing crimes. These mobs, also known as cow vigilantes, attack and often lynch Muslims accused of transporting cattle or consuming beef. 

Hindu religious preacher makes blasphemous statements against Islam, Muslims

In Uttar Pradesh’s Mainpuri, Hindu religious preacher Swami Sachidanand delivered a hate speech targeting Muslims and Christians in which he made blasphemous statements against Islam. 

Last month, in Rajasthan, Sachidanandpromoted anti-Muslim conspiracy theories like spit jihad and love jihad and invented another conspiracy- “nai jihad” (barber jihad).