By failing to prioritise education, the Modi government is putting India's future at stake - By Deepanshu Mohan - IAMC
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By failing to prioritise education, the Modi government is putting India’s future at stake – By Deepanshu Mohan



Sarwari Jahan is an Accredited Social Health Activist in her early 30s who works with a primary health clinic near Lucknow’s Jama Masjid. Her only daughter, Zoya, was in class sixth before the pandemic-induced lockdown shut all schools across India in 2020….


As Zoya started spending more of her time doing household chores and continued to miss her remote-learning lessons for months, she ultimately dropped out of school. She has been out of school since July 2020.Millions of young children across India have found themselves in this predicament over the last year and a half.


Many parents like Jahan, with limited means and vulnerable jobs, have been forced to sacrifice their children’s education to make ends meet themselves. Children have dropped out of school and girls have been expected to do more household work….