Cow vigilantes lynch Muslim man to death in Gujarat - IAMC
Cow Vigilante

Cow vigilantes lynch Muslim man to death in Gujarat

In Gujarat’s Diyodar, a Muslim man, Misri Khan Baloch, was attacked and lynched to death by Hindu extremist cow vigilantes while he was on his way to a relative’s house with two buffaloes.

Recently, in Yadgir, Karnataka, Hindu extremist cow vigilantes assaulted multiple men over allegations of transporting cattle. Hindu militant mobs have increasingly been targeting Muslims over baseless accusations of committing crimes. These mobs, also known as cow vigilantes, attack and often lynch Muslims accused of transporting cattle or consuming beef. 

Hundreds of Hindu militants march with guns on the street, organize weapon training

In Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, over 500 women from Hindu militant group Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) marched on streets armed with canes and guns. In Udaipur, Rajasthan, hundreds of Hindu extremist women organized a military-style street march holding guns and swords. In Madhya Pradesh, Hindu militant groups VHP and Bajrang Dal also conducted weapon training for its members and organized a road march holding canes and saffron flags.

The growing weaponization of violent Hindu supremacists is a cause of concern for the minority Muslim community, who are being threatened with mass slaughter by Hindu extremist groups.

BJP leader urges Hindus to kill Muslims in every household, calls them “termites”, “disease”

In the capital city of Delhi, BJP leader Kapil Mishra instigated violence against Muslims during a  hate speech he delivered at an election meeting: “They asked how many Afzals (Muslims) you will kill? You will find Afzal in each household. Wherever Afzal comes out, we will enter that house and kill him. For how long will they come out? They have stopped now.” 

He referred to Muslims as “termites” and “diseases” and threatened that Narendra Modi was only laying the foundation and removing termites. “In this third term, all these diseases would be treated,” he said. 

Dalit man kidnapped, beaten to death in Rajasthan

A Dalit man, Rameshwar Valmiki, was tied up with ropes and beaten to death with sticks in Rajasthan. The attackers kidnapped Valmiki from his house, tied him up and beat him with sticks until he died. 

He was allegedly attacked by a liquor mafia for buying alcohol elsewhere. Five attackers have been arrested.