Hindu extremists attack Muslim worshippers - IAMC

Hindu extremist mob attacks Muslim worshippers, vandalizes mosque

Muslim worshippers, including women and children, were brutally attacked with canes by a Hindu mob while they were offering prayers inside a mosque in Hindu supremacist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled Haryana state. 

Around 15-20 Hindu extremists barged into the mosque with sticks in their hands, attacked worshippers gathering for Ramadan, and vandalized the mosque. 

At least 9 Muslims have been hospitalized with injuries.

Throughout India, Muslims have no respite from anti-Muslim attacks, as they continue to face a slew of Hindu extremist violence during their holy month.

Muslim man, child die by suicide after demolition threat by Uttar Pradesh officials

A 50-year-old Muslim man, Mohammad Saleem, consumed poison along with his two children after officials in BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh state arbitrarily informed him that his house would be demolished. 

Saleem and his daughter died. However, his son survived. His two children are aged eight and six.

The tragic deaths occurred after officials had visited Saleem’s house and told him that his house would be bulldozed, alleging that it was built on government land.

Uttar Pradesh’s Hindu militant Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, is widely known for his illegal anti-Muslim demolition policies.

In recent years, bulldozers have become a weapon in the hands of Hindu supremacist governments across India to destroy the homes and businesses of the Muslim community. 

Police arrest Muslims, raid mosque, desecrate Quran in Jharkhand state

Police in Jharkhand state targeted Muslims amid ongoing anti-Muslim violence by Hindu extremist mobs. Muslims in Jamshedpur city say that the police broke into the mosque, destroyed its belongings, beat up worshippers inside, desecrated the Quran, and then arrested Muslims without any reason. 

Violence erupted in the city after some people had allegedly wrapped a piece of chicken flesh in a polythene bag around the bamboo of the Hindu religious flag. 

In response, Hindu supremacist mobs started throwing stones at a mosque and set fire to shops owned by Muslims. 

However, police arrested the Imam of a mosque and a few other worshippers.