Violence unleashed in Maharashtra over posts on Muslim emperors - IAMC
violence in Maharashtra

Hindu extremists unleash violence in Maharashtra over online posts on Muslim emperors

Hindu extremist mobs unleashed violence in Muslim-majority regions of Maharashtra state while rallying against social media posts glorifying historic Muslim rulers Aurangzeb and Tipu Sultan. 

The violent mobs attacked Muslims, ransacked shops and vehicles, and pelted stones at mosques.

In the video that surfaced on social media, a violent Hindu extremist mob can be seen throwing stones and other things at a Muslim fruit vendor who is running to save his life. While attacking the man, the mob can be heard saying in Marathi, “Thoko Tyaala”, which roughly translates to “kill him.”

Over fifty anti-Muslim hate speech rallies were held earlier this year in Maharashtra state, where open calls for violence against Muslims, calls for an economic boycott of Muslims, and baseless conspiracy theories against the Muslim community were floated by Hindu extremist hatemongers. 

Hindu supremacists raise derogatory slogans against Prophet Muhammad in Rajasthan

Hindu supremacists made derogatory remarks against the Prophet Muhammad during a rally in Rajasthan state. The police have now booked several unnamed persons belonging to Hindu supremacist outfit Karni Sena.

Video clips surfaced on social media showing a group of Hindu supremacists holding saffron flags, shouting derogatory slogans against the Prophet and Muslims.

“The obnoxious slogans raised at the Karni Sena rally, as shown in the video, have hurt the sentiments of Indian Muslims as well as mine. Therefore, the people who were seen raising these slogans should be severely punished for their nefarious and disparaging behavior,” the complaint registered against the incident stated.

The controversial slogans were also raised by Hindu supremacist leaders during an event in Madhya Pradesh state. The same pattern is being repeated in Rajasthan, which has been witnessing hate speeches and anti-Muslim events in recent months. 

Upper-caste Hindu supremacists pelt stones at Dalit groom during wedding ritual

A group of upper caste Hindu supremacists in Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled Madhya Pradesh state’s Chhatarpur district pelted stones on a wedding procession after a Dalit groom sat on a mare for performing the marriage rituals. Several people were injured, including some police personnel.

The Hindu supremacists raised objections to the ritual in which the groom had to take rounds of the village and visit the temple.

Recently, seven Hindu supremacist men chopped off the thumb of a 30-year-old Dalit man with a sword in Gujarat state.