Hindu militant monk applauds as BJP leader calls for destruction of mosques - IAMC

Hindu militant monk applauds as BJP leader calls for destruction of mosques

At an election rally in Uttar Pradesh state, far-right Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Sandeep Dayma called for the removal of mosques and gurdwaras (Sikh places of worship). The rally was attended by Hindu supremacist Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who was seen clapping after Dayma made the hateful demands.

Hindu extremist monks vouch for BJP leader and serial hatemonger T Raja Singh

At an event in Madhya Pradesh, Hindu extremist monk Dhirendra Shastri gave a speech promoting anti-minority hatred while asking people to support BJP leader and serial hate monger T Raja Singh in upcoming elections. During the same event, Singh later spoke about making preparations for a “war” to turn India into a Hindu ethno-state.

Hindu extremists drive out Muslim henna artists in Uttar Pradesh

In far-right BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar, members of the Hindu militant group Bajrang Dal entered a market and checked the identity cards of men applying henna for customers. They then drove away any Muslim artists to prevent them from doing henna on Hindu women.