Hindu mob attacks Muslim-owned shop after owner shares Eid sacrifice picture - IAMC

Hindu mob attacks Muslim-owned shop after owner shares Eid sacrifice picture

In Himachal Pradesh state, a Hindu extremist mob violently attacked and looted a shop after its Muslim owner shared a picture of an animal sacrifice for Eid on WhatsApp. A video of the incident shows police looking on as the mob forces the shop open and begins throwing out the clothes inside. 

After vandalizing the shop, the mob then marched to the local district collector’s office, chanting genocidal slogans such as “shoot the traitors” and the Hindu supremacist warcry “Jai Shri Ram.”

Muslim man succumbs to injuries after Chhattisgarh mob lynching that killed 2 others

23-year-old Saddam Qureshi, who was one of three Muslim men targeted in a premeditated attack by a cow vigilante group on June 6 in Chhattisgarh state, has succumbed to his injuries and died. He was battling for his life for 10 days in the hospital.   

On June 6, 23-year-old Chand Miyan, 35-year-old Guddu Khan, and 23-year-old Saddam Qureshi were attacked by cow vigilantes while transporting cattle from Chhattisgarh to Odisha state. Miyan’s relative and Qureshi’s friend reported that they were both called by the victims between 2-3 am, during which Miyan said they were being attacked by a mob, and Qureshi could be heard “crying for help and begging for water.” 

Miyan’s body was found under a 30-foot-high bridge, along with Qureshi and Khan, who were critically injured. Khan died in the hospital soon after. 

Anti-Muslim speeches continue across India

Hindu extremists continue to hold anti-Muslim hate speech events across the country with impunity. At an event in Delhi, Kapil Khanna, a leader of the Hindu militant group Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), called on Hindu supremacist women to “fight” against “love jihad”, a conspiracy theory that is used to justify violence and discrimination against Muslim men. At an event in Uttar Pradesh, another VHP leader gave a speech promoting anti-Muslim hate.