Minor road accident leads to communal violence in Gujarat- IAMC
communal violence

Minor road accident leads to communal violence in Gujarat, Muslim properties attacked

A minor road accident on a highway escalated into a violent communal clash, leading to widespread vandalism of Muslim-owned shops and an Idgah in Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled Gujarat’s Khera.

The incident occurred after a take-over between a car driven by a Muslim man and a motorbike ridden by a Hindu, sparking a confrontation that quickly turned hostile. During the standoff, a vehicle was set on fire. Hindu supremacists also chanted the slogan “Jai Shri Ram,” which is commonly raised during mob lynchings and other acts of anti-Muslim violence. 

BJP ministers defend arbitrary demolitions despite top court’s criticism

Amid criticism and concerns raised by India’s top court regarding the indiscriminate demolition of properties using bulldozers, far-right Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled Uttar Pradesh’s leaders were seen openly defending the use of bulldozers and affirming their intention to continue using them as a tool for law enforcement.

BJP minister A.K. Sharma made statements justifying the state’s continued use of bulldozers while Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath defended the use of bulldozers earlier this week.

Their statements come just days after India’s Supreme Court indicated the need for nationwide guidelines to regulate the demolition of properties, following a series of arbitrary demolitions of Muslim-owned properties across the country.

Hindu extremists call for arsoning Muslim-owned houses, preparing for war

Hindu extremists continued to call for mass violence against Muslims. In Ranchi, Jharkhand, Hindu supremacist leader Bhairav Singh called for burning down the houses of Muslims. In Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh, Hindu militant groups Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal leader Azad Premsingh called on Hindus “prepare for a war” against minorities. In Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, a Hindu extremist crowd chanted slogans calling for shooting and exterminating Muslims during a rally.