Modi's Religious Nationalism Hurts India's Hindus, Too - By Sunita Viswanath  - IAMC
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Modi’s Religious Nationalism Hurts India’s Hindus, Too – By Sunita Viswanath 

The current Indian government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has come to power on a dangerous lie that they have been selling to India’s Hindus: that in a country where they make up 80 percent of the population, Hinduism is under threat – and will only prosper if they support the ideology of Hindutva, or Hindu nationalism….


Chain reactions sparked by Hindutva ideologies have claimed the lives of innocent people – a Muslim lynched on the suspicion that he eats beef, a Hindu woman who suffered a miscarriage while imprisoned for marrying a Muslim man, an 8-year-old Muslim girl raped and killed in a Hindu temple, and countless others. The lie has transformed nearly every aspect of Indian society beyond recognition….


Hindus are taught to see the divine in everyone they encounter. This radically inclusive philosophy is diametrically opposed to Hindutva. By allowing Hindutva ideology to become so entrenched in our communities, in religious and social spaces as well as in politics, we have suffered a loss even deeper than the material losses: We have betrayed our faith itself.