Persecution in India: Daily Update - IAMC

Persecution in India: Daily Update

Karnataka Police Fail to Arrest Hindu Extremists Who Beheaded Muslim Man

Hindu Extremist Mob Attacks, Vandalizes Church in Uttarakhand; Police Fail to Arrest Culprits

Uttar Pradesh Pushes False Narrative of Forced Conversions; Arrests 15 Muslims

Beheading of Muslim: IAMC condemns the police in Karnataka State for failing to arrest the leadership of the Hindu militant organization, Sri Ram Sena, whose members were involved in the beheading of a Muslim man last week. The 24-year-old Muslim man, Arbaz, was found on railway tracks hours after he left his home to meet with Sri Ram Sena members who had telephoned him.

He was killed because he was in love with a Hindu woman, to which the Hindu extremists objected. Arbaz’s mother has accused the woman’s father and members of the Sri Ram Sena in a formal complaint to the police. Yet, the police has failed to investigate the case or arrest anyone.

Attack on Church: IAMC condemns the attack on a church in Uttarakhand state on Sunday (October 3) by a mob of hundreds of Hindu extremists carrying iron rods. The mob raised Hindu religious slogans of “Jai Sri Ram” and “Vande Matram” and vandalized the church in the city of Roorkee.

It is shocking that even though the churchgoers as well as the pastor’s wife identified the attackers as members of Hindu militant organizations, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and the state’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the police had failed to make a single arrest. Even more shockingly, the police Monday filed charges against the church’s pastor on the basis of a fraudulent complaint that he was forcing a woman to convert to Christianity. Sunday’s attackers had earlier falsely accused the church with “forced” conversions.

It is clear that the Uttarakhand Government is protecting the attackers because they are affiliated with the State Government run by the Hindu right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. IAMC demands immediate arrest of the attackers who vandalized the church and terrorized the churchgoers, and drop the false charges filed against the pastor.

Anti-Conversion Arrests: IAMC condemns the police in Uttar Pradesh state for arresting 15 Muslims in a wholly fictitious case of “forced” conversion to Islam. Well-known Islamic clerics as well as common Muslims are being arrested in this sham case despite the evidence overwhelmingly supporting the innocence of the accused. The Anti-Terrorism Squad of the UP Police that is leading this case has so far produced zero evidence to support its claim that these Muslims were engaged in “forced” conversions to Islam.

On Tuesday (October 5) the police searched various homes and offices of one of the arrestees in Delhi without adequate reason and in violation of Article 14 of the Indian Constitution that guarantees equal protection before the law. It is clear that UP Police are acting out of Islamophobia that has become blatant during the rule of the Hindu extremist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Those arrested in this fictitious case have been denied their basic rights by the Indian courts, which are proving to be complicit in this legal persecution of India’s Muslims. It must be noted that India’s harsh and discriminatory anti-conversions laws are abused against Muslims and Christians, whereas conversions to Hinduism are not only tolerated but encouraged by the Indian State and the courts.