11 Ways The Delhi Police Have Muddied The Delhi-Riots Investigation - By Mani Chander - IAMC
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11 Ways The Delhi Police Have Muddied The Delhi-Riots Investigation – By Mani Chander



Days after communal violence ravaged north-east Delhi in February 2020, home minister Amit Shah broke his silence about the riots for the first time on 11 March in the lower house of Parliament. Hailing law enforcement, he said: “Controlling and putting a full stop to riots in just 36 hours in a dense area is a very difficult task. I must say that Delhi police did a commendable job.”…


Shah’s praise came despite multiple media reports revealing how the Delhi Police not only failed to contain the violence, but looked the other way as mobs burned down houses and shops of citizens (herehere and here).

In some cases, the Police were also accused of attacking residents of riot-affected areas, going on to shoot people randomly. A video, widely circulated on social media on 26 February 2020, showed a group of men being beaten by the Police as they lay on the ground injured, forced to sing the national anthem….
