50 village councils in Haryana ban entry of Muslim traders - IAMC

50 village councils in Haryana ban entry of Muslim traders

Over 50 village councils in three districts of BJP-ruled  Haryana state have released letters over the past few days, barring the entry of Muslim traders into the villages and demanding that Muslims living in the villages submit their identity documents to the police.

This comes a week after anti-Muslim violence broke out in Muslim-majority districts during a procession by Hindu militant groups.

Hindu extremist threatens to chop off Muslims in Madhya Pradesh

A Hindu extremist participating in a Hindu religious procession threatened to chop off Muslims in front of a mosque in BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh’s Khandwa.

He said, “Jitne bhi Jihadi haiñ aj samne aaye to k@at denge” (We will kill chop off every Jihadi [Muslim] who comes our way today).  

Later, the Hindu extremists participating in the religious procession attacked and vandalized Muslim-owned properties.

Hindu extremist monks in Haridwar urge Hindus to take up arms

A group of Hindu extremist monks organized an event in support of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Uttarakhand’s Haridwar. During the event, monks delivered hate speeches and called on Hindus to buy the weapons.

The UCC mandates the formulation of one common law that all religious communities would be forced to adhere to in personal matters such as marriage, divorce, and inheritance, regardless of their religious practice.

Muslim driver assaulted, truck damaged for transporting cows

In Rajasthan’s Bundi, Hindu extremists and self-proclaimed cow vigilantes harassed and assaulted a Muslim driver and damaged his truck for transporting cows.

Hindu militant mobs have increasingly been targeting Muslims over baseless accusations of committing crimes. These mobs, also known as cow vigilantes, attack and often lynch Muslims accused of transporting cattle or consuming beef. 

Hindu militants disrupt Christian prayer meeting in Bihar

A mob of Hindu militants from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal disrupted a prayer meeting led by a pastor in Bihar state. The attack was over baseless allegations of forced religious conversion.