After Seven Years of Modi and Shah, the RSS's Fall from Grace is Total and Complete - By Harish Khare - IAMC
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After Seven Years of Modi and Shah, the RSS’s Fall from Grace is Total and Complete – By Harish Khare



….No wonder Mohan Bhagwat and his senior associates have joined the Prime Minister in his bunker. Even after seven years of new India, these Nagpur commissars are discovering and blaming “the system” – just when we all had thought that this very rotten, creaking “system” had rejuvenated under the prime minister’s transformative leadership, and it was precisely this transformation that had enabled the prime minister to proclaim “victory” over the pandemic.


The RSS stands guilty of sullying the promise of Ramraj in a ‘Hindu rashtra’. The Indians, an overwhelming majority of whom are Hindus, are being told to give in to a civilisational weakness for resignation, and come to terms with disease, deprivation and destitution. To publicly talk about the loss of their loved ones is to be accused of spreading negativity and helping India’s enemies.


Instead, the grand objective of a glorious and prosperous nation safeguarding the prime minister’s image has become the sole national purpose and preoccupation. It is a sad day when an RSS spokesperson argues that reports of bodies floating down the Ganges are part of an “agenda”. The RSS’s fall from grace – even according to its own definitions of divinity and sin – is total and complete.