BJP supporters attack Hindu journalist because he looked Muslim - IAMC
Raghav Trivedi

BJP supporters attack Hindu journalist because he looked Muslim

A journalist, Raghav Trivedi, was heckled and attacked by BJP supporters during federal minister Amit Shah’s election rally in Uttar Pradesh after they mistook him for being a Muslim. 

“When the speech ended some people shouted at me suddenly and started pushing and beating me, i got scared when I heard some of them shouting ‘He is a Muslim, he is an anti-national.’ I tried to show them my identity card, which had Raghav Trivedi written on it, however, they mistook my long hair and beard for a Muslim identity and continued to beat me relentlessly,” Trivedi said.

BJP leader threatens violent “face-off” against Muslims

At an election rally in the capital city of Delhi, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Navneet Rana publicly threatened a violent face-off against Muslims. 

“They asked for 15 minutes with their countable population. We are 140 crore, we need only 15 seconds. Let’s have a face-off,” she said. 

Across the country, Hindu supremacist leaders have also been making open calls for violence. In Madhya Pradesh, Sadhvi Hemlata Didi Sarkar gave a call to arms and encouraged violence against Muslims. In West Bengal, Hindu supremacist leader Rohit Pathak advocated the use of weapons and violence. 

BJP minister brags about repressing Muslims 

In Palghar, Maharashtra, BJP minister and Hindu militant monk Yogi Adityanath boasted about the lack of religious freedom for Muslims in Uttar Pradesh. 

“No one dares to even pray namaz on our roads. The Mosques have removed their mics. In the next 5 years people will forget about screams (Azaan) from mosques,” he said. 

Hindu extremists assault men over alleged cattle transport in Karnataka

In Yadgir, Karnataka, Hindu extremist cow vigilantes assaulted multiple men over allegations of transporting cattle. 

Hindu militant mobs have increasingly been targeting Muslims over baseless accusations of committing crimes. These mobs, also known as cow vigilantes, attack and often lynch Muslims accused of transporting cattle or consuming beef.