Far-right Indian scientist calls for “Israel-like solution” in Kashmir - IAMC

Far-right Indian scientist calls for “Israel-like solution” in Kashmir

Indian scientist and far-right political commentator Anand Ranganathan sparked controversy by advocating that India enact an “Israel-like solution” in Kashmir. His remarks were made during a podcast hosted by news agency ANI, which frequently pushes far right and Hindu supremacist narratives. After the podcast went viral online, Rangnanthan’s statement received widespread backlash on social media. 

However, this isn’t the first time Hindu supremacists have proposed the “Israel model” as a “solution” for Kashmir. In November 2019, senior Indian diplomat Sandeep Chakravorty explicitly cited Israeli settlements as an inspiration for Hindu supremacists, suggesting that India should adopt the “Israel model” in Kashmir. In 2022, speakers at a Geneva seminar said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was pursuing the Israeli model in Kashmir to alter its Muslim-majority status.

Muslim street vendor assaulted by Hindu militants in Himachal Pradesh

In Himachal Pradesh’s Banganga, a Muslim street vendor, Umar Qureshi, was assaulted by members of Hindu militant groups Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal after they discovered his religious identity. 

The attackers fractured his hand when he declined to chant the Hindu supremacist warcry “Jai Sri Ram.” Despite the severity of the incident, the police have taken no action. 

Uttar Pradesh officials begin demolition drive in Muslim-majority locality

Civic officials in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow began a militarized demolition drive of shops and homes in an over 50-year-old predominantly Muslim locality, Akbar Nagar, that houses over 10,000 residents with approximately 2,000 homes and businesses. 

India’s top court sanctioned the demolition, citing that the buildings were “unauthorized.” Amnesty International has slammed India’s use of bulldozers to mete out collective punishment against minority communities a violation of international human rights law.

Officials demolish mosque in BJP-ruled Gujarat

Civic officials in far-right BJP-ruled Gujarat’s Ahmedabad demolished a mosque, claiming lack of permission for its use. Initially, the officials stated that only the upper floor would be destroyed, but ultimately, the entire mosque was demolished.

Earlier this year, officials demolished multiple Muslim shrines and three madrassas across several villages in Gujarat, alleging that the structures had been built “illegally”. Throughout India, Muslim places of worship have been targets of inhumane demolition drives as a form of collective punishment. 

Hindu residents protest over flat being rented to Muslim family 

In BJP-ruled Gujarat’s Vadodara, Hindu residents of a housing complex gathered to protest after a flat was rented to a Muslim family.

Earlier this year  in Vadodara, Hindu residents demanded the construction of a wall separating them from a Muslim-majority neighborhood. Hindu supremacist leaders have been peddling anti-Muslim conspiracy theories to stoke fear and hate against Muslims.