Hindu extremist mob assaults Muslim man over theft allegation - IAMC
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Hindu extremist mob assaults Muslim man over theft allegation

A Hindu extremist mob assaulted a Muslim man by tying his legs, partially stripping him, and beating him over allegations of stealing vegetables in Uttar Pradesh’s Bareilly.

A video of the incident shows the mob kicking, pushing and punching in the victim’s face in the presence of a large crowd which watched indifferently. Another video shows the victim lying on the roadside with his legs tied with a rope. 

The police arrested three persons for the assault and also booked the victim for allegedly stealing vegetables.

Officials demolish church in Uttar Pradesh over allegations of forced conversion 

In far-right BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh’s Mirzapur, authorities demolished a church after baseless allegations that local Christians were forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity. 

Attacks on churches have become common under several Indian states’ draconian anti-conversion laws, which criminalize conversion away from Hinduism. D.C.-based human rights group International Christian Concern has named India among the top 10 countries persecuting Christians in its 2023 Persecutors of the Year Report. 

BJP leader, police officials disrupt Christian prayer meet

In Seoni, Madhya Pradesh, far-right BJP leader Mayoor Dubey joined police officials in disrupting a Christian prayer meet over allegations that congregants were forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity.

Earlier this month, in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, Hindu militants from the Bajrang Dal joined police officials in disrupting a Christian prayer meet over similar allegations. 

Hindu extremists vandalize shanties accusing residents of being Bangladeshi, Rohingya

In the capital city of Delhi, mobs of Hindu extremists vandalized shanties belonging to poor slum dwellers, accusing them of being Bangladeshis and Rohingya refugees.

After recent political upheaval in Bangladesh, Hindu right-wing social media pushed multiple fake claims about attacks against Bangladesh’s Hindu minority, to encourage hatred and violence against Indian Muslims and exploit genuine safety concerns faced by Bangladeshi Hindus. 

Hindu extremists continue to threaten violence against Bangladeshis, Rohingya 

In Telangana, Hindu extremist leader Kalu Singh called for violence against Bangladeshis living in India in response to attacks against Hindu minorities in Bangladesh – including several fake accounts that were largely spread by the Hindu right on social media.

In Mumbai, Maharashtra, Hindu supremacist leaders including Dhanashree Kelshikar, Ranjeet Savarkar and others deliver anti-Muslim speeches advocating for violence and economic boycott. 

“Throw these Bangladeshi and Rohingya out. They are increasing Jihad in India and Hindus are unsafe,” said Kelshikar.