Hindu extremists assault Muslim boy for being seen with Hindu girl - IAMC
Hindu extremists

Hindu extremists assault Muslim boy for being seen with Hindu girl

A video has recently gone viral showing a Hindu extremist mob chanting the religious slogan “Jai Sri Ram” (Glory to Lord Ram) while violently assaulting a minor Muslim boy for being out with a Hindu girl.

The video was filmed at a train station in Mumbai and shows the boy being dragged outside by the mob, who accused him of committing “love jihad,” a Hindu extremist conspiracy theory that claims Muslim men have an agenda to seduce Hindu women into Islam. The girl can also be heard pleading with the extremists to stop. 

Hindu extremist cop who shot 3 Muslims also threatened woman in burqa, finds probe

A probe into a Hindu extremist railway policeman who shot and murdered his tribal coworker and three Muslim men has revealed that the accused also targeted a Muslim woman at gunpoint

The extremist, Chetansinh Chaudhary, reportedly pointed his gun at a Muslim woman in a burqa and forced her to chant nationalist slogans. 

Before shooting the four victims, Chaudhary declared, “If you want to stay in India, vote for [Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister] Yogi and Modi,” hailing two major Hindu extremist politicians before his crime.

Cow vigilantes cause accident after high-speed chase targeting cattle transporting truck  

Cow vigilantes in Maharashtra state caused an accident after a high-speed chase targeting a truck that was transporting cattle.

The Hindu extremists also filmed the aftermath of the accident, boasting about their vigilantism. 

Hate speeches made in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka 

Hindu extremists across India held events to amplify anti-Muslim and anti-minority hate speech in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Karnataka states. 

In Madhya Pradesh, a leader from the violent militant group Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) called on Hindus to buy weapons after demonizing Muslims. In Karnataka, local extremist leaders circulated conspiracy theories about Muslims and Christians.