Muslim teens beaten for offering chocolates to Hindu girl - IAMC

Hindu extremists beat up Muslim teens for offering chocolates to Hindu girl

Two Muslim men, Mohammad Munaaz and Sameer, were publicly beaten up by a mob of Hindu extremists in Karnataka’s Chikkamagaluru because they allegedly offered chocolate to a Hindu girl. The mob also attempted to kidnap the two Muslim teenagers but they managed to escape. 

Hindu militants are known for violently policing interfaith relationships and interactions between Muslim men and Hindu women, resulting in Muslim men being publicly attacked, arbitrarily arrested, and sometimes lynched.  

Hindu supremacists beat drums as police confiscate property of Christian

In a viral video, Hindu supremacists can be heard beating drums as police in Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, confiscate the property of a Christian individual over allegations of forced religious conversion

According to a 2023 study, more than half of police cases filed against Christians under the state’s anti-conversion law were in response to baseless complaints by Hindu supremacists, who often weaponize such laws to harass Christian and Muslim minorities. 

Caterer denied payment after hiring Muslim waitress for wedding 

In BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow, a Hindu man, Madan Lal Vajpayee, reportedly refused to pay a bill of around $850 USD to his food caterer for a wedding, simply because the waitress he hired for the ceremony was Muslim. 

Vajpayee also sent the caterer a note, claiming he would complete the payment only after the contractor disclosed the name and religion of the waitresses.

Police open fire at alleged “cattle smugglers,” victims sustain bullet wounds

In separate incidents in Hapur and Shahjahanpur in BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh, police fired at alleged “cattle smugglers,” who sustained bullet injuries in their legs. The incident is the latest in an ongoing trend of violent attacks against predominantly Muslim cattle traders by law enforcement. Over the last month, multiple instances of injuries and the death of a Muslim man due to police firing have occurred over the same allegations.