Hindu Extremists Storm Church In Karnataka Over False Allegation Of Conversions - IAMC

Hindu Extremists Storm Church In Karnataka Over False Allegation Of Conversions

The IAMC condemns the storming of a Christian church in Hubbali district of Karnataka State by Hindu extremists belonging to the Bajrang Dal and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), organizations that are affiliated with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s political party.

In a shocking desecration of the pace of worship for the Christian community, a mob of the two outfits, that have been designated as militant organizations by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the past, swooped into the church on October 17 (Sunday) and sat in, holding Hindu prayers.

They also attacked the pastor and other churchgoers, who were later treated at the hospital. Such attacks against Christians have escalated in recent months especially. The Karnataka State government is led by Mr. Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) which is a hardcore Hindu extremists organization that aims to convert India into a Hindu nation.

Hero’s Welcome In India For Hindu Extremist Deported From Australia For Hate Violence

The IAMC condemns the hero’s welcome given to an Indian national deported from Australia for carrying out hate violence against Sikhs in that country. Vishal Jood, 24, was arrested by New South Wales police in April after an investigation revealed his alleged connection to a series of targeted attacks on members of the Sikh community.

A number of charges were leveled against him but in a plea bargain, NSW’s Department of Public Prosecutors dropped eight charges that included racial hate crime, while Jood pleaded guilty to three charges for which he was sentenced to six months in jail. Chief Minister of Haryana, the state to which Jood belongs, had in fact earlier asked India’s Ministry of External Affairs to intervene with the Australian government to secure Jood’s release.

American Bar Association Calls Out Bias Against Dalits In Judicial Appointments

The IAMC welcomes a report from the American Bar Association that has called out systemic bias against the Dalits, who are the lowest rung of the caste-ridden Hindu society, in the appointments to Supreme Court of India.

In seven decades of India’s independence, only six Dalit judges have been appointed to the top court, according to this report. “Implicit and explicit biases expressed by members of the judiciary, who have the power to appoint fellow judges, have hindered efforts to ensure equal representation in the judiciary,” the report says. India’s Dalits are among the most persecuted communities in the country.