'Hindutva, Hindu Rashtra Only About Persecution of Muslims; Modi Encourages This' - Aakar Patel with Karan Thapar - IAMC
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‘Hindutva, Hindu Rashtra Only About Persecution of Muslims; Modi Encourages This’ – Aakar Patel with Karan Thapar

In an interview that is a forceful and outspoken critique of Hindutva and Hindu Rashtra, one of India’s most highly regarded columnists has said Hindutva is not an ideology but an anti-minority and, primarily, anti-Muslim prejudice.

Aakar Patel also says that the desire or ambition to create Hindu Rashtra, which lies at the core of Hindutva, “is purely about the exclusion and persecution of India’s minorities, particularly Muslims… that is all there is to Hindu Rashtra.”

He adds Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s record, both as chief minister of Gujarat for 13 years and as prime minister of India for seven years, shows that Modi “encourages anti-Muslim prejudice”….
