How Modi's Hindu nationalism impairs global fight against climate change - By Abhimanyu Chandra - IAMC
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How Modi’s Hindu nationalism impairs global fight against climate change – By Abhimanyu Chandra

…. climate change requires us to re-assess how we think about Hindutva. We know that Hindutva is a majoritarian ideology, which impinges on the rights of India’s minorities, particularly Muslims. We know that in the context of the competing majoritarianisms of South Asia – especially in India’s neighbors Pakistan and Bangladesh – Hindutva feeds majoritarianism in the region as a whole. But might the ideology also hold global, climatic implications? Let me make four propositions….

These four propositions, taken together, elevate the concerns with Hindutva. It becomes disconcerting not only at the level of human rights within India, or at the level of competing regional majoritarianisms — concerns which are grave enough as it is. Hindutva becomes worrisome also at the global, climatic, geological level.

…. India under Modi may, in policy specifics, have sought to address climate change — such as by signing the Paris Agreement. Structurally, however, the country’s approach remains hobbled by Hindutva…. Hindutva may seem a far-off concern, but it has spurred protests in and is shaping the climate here in Chicago. Just as climate change knows no boundaries, the harms of Hindutva know no boundaries, either.