Indian Human Rights Panel Chief Endorses India’s Human Rights Violations - IAMC

Indian Human Rights Panel Chief Endorses India’s Human Rights Violations

Delhi Police Sexually Assault Women Protesting Against India’s Home Minister

The Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) condemns the Delhi Police for sexually assaulting two women who had joined protests near the official residence of India’s home minister Amit Shah, who is Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s second-in-command.

According to a statement from the All India Students Association (AISA), the police attacked the protesters and assaulted the women who were demanding that a federal minister, who is Shah’s deputy, be sacked from the cabinet as his son had been arrested for running over farmers and killing several people last week in Uttar Pradesh. The Modi government has refused to remove the controversial minister.

Pastor, Wife Jailed In Uttar Pradesh On False Charges Of Forced Conversion

The Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) condemns the arrest of a Christian pastor and his wife in Uttar Pradesh state on the false charge that they were carrying out forced conversions.

According to International Christian Concern (ICC), Pastor Nandha Nathaniel and his wife were leading a worship service in a Christian home in Azamgarh district when a Hindu extremist mob of around 100 people stormed their home and disrupted the worship. Prior to the attack an unknown individual had entered the home and begun filming the worship.

The courts later denied the couple bail. Attacks on Christians have increased across India, but especially in Uttar Pradesh since Prime Minister Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) formed the government in the state in 2017.

Indian Human Rights Panel Chief Endorses India’s Human Rights Violations

IAMC condemns the bizarre statement from retired Supreme Court of India judge Arun Mishra that the anti-democratic crackdown by India’s government had brought a new era in the Muslim-majority province of Kashmir. Judge Mishra, who is currently the chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), a statutory body that is supposed to be autonomous and investigate the human rights excesses of governments and their agencies, made the statement in the presence of Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister.

Shockingly, Judge Mishra issued a not-so-veiled threat against civil rights organizations saying they should condemn “political violence and terrorism”. The NHRC was founded in India 28 years ago to create a federal human rights watchdog. Instead, during Modi’s role, the NHRC has virtually become the government’s lapdog.

Since stripping Kashmir of its constitutionally-mandated special status in August 2019, the Modi Government has carried out a brutal crackdown on millions of Kashmir’s Muslims, jailing thousands, including politicians, human rights defenders and journalists, without bringing charges against them; shutting down internet for months; and bringing social, political and economic life to a halt. Kashmir is one of the world’s most militarized zones.