Muslim cop killed in “accidental firing” by Hindu senior cop during raid - IAMC
Muslim cop killed

Muslim cop killed in “accidental firing” by Hindu senior cop during raid

A Muslim police constable, Mohammad Yakoob, was shot in the head and died from a bullet “accidentally” fired from the jammed pistol of a senior police official, Rajeev Kumar, during a raid to arrest individuals accused of cow slaughter – an accusation primarily leveled at Muslims – in Uttar Pradesh’s Aligarh.

Kumar explained that during the raid, his pistol jammed, and while trying to fix it, a bullet was suddenly fired. This bullet grazed his stomach and hit Yakoob in the head. The family of the deceased is skeptical of the official explanation and have demanded an investigation. 

Hindu militants barge into Muslim home, accuse residents of cow slaughter

In Fazilka, Punjab, members of the Hindu militant group Bajrang Dal forcefully barged into a Muslim house and accused the owner of cow slaughter. In another incident in Gurugram, Haryana, Hindu extremist cow vigilantes assaulted a truck driver for allegedly transporting cattle.

Hindu militant mobs regularly attack Muslims over baseless accusations of committing crimes. These mobs, also known as cow vigilantes, assault and often lynch Muslims accused of transporting cattle or consuming beef. 

Three Christian nurses arrested over allegations of forced religious conversion

In Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, police arrested three Christian nurses after they were baselessly accused of forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity. 

Christians across states have been arrested under India’s draconian anti-conversion law, which criminalizes conversion away from Hinduism. The D.C.-based human rights group International Christian Concern has named India among the top 10 countries persecuting Christians in its 2023 Persecutors of the Year Report.