Narendra Modi's sinister take on cancel culture is erasing centuries of Muslim history in India - By James Fox - IAMC
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Narendra Modi’s sinister take on cancel culture is erasing centuries of Muslim history in India – By James Fox

In saffronisation, India has its own form of cancel culture – a Hindu nationalist agenda that is becoming ever more prominent and is aimed at wiping out any legacies left by Muslim conquerors and the British Empire. Under the leadership of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the right-wing government of Narendra Modi, India has sought to recall and glorify the ancient Hindu cultural narrative at the expense of hundreds of years of history.


….the BJP has another focus, the legacy of Muslim rule – and what makes this more concerning is that there are some 170 million followers of Islam living in India, while very few Brits still call the country their home. To many, the BJP’s persistence in erasing the Mughal legacy is a persistent attack on Islam, and on millions of Muslims who reside in India.


Just one year after Modi came to power in 2014, taking over from the Indian National Congress Party and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, street signs in New Delhi carrying Urdu or Muslim-sounding names, including Aurangzeb Road – named after a Mughal emperor – were painted black by a radical Hindu organization, Shiv Sena Hindustan…. The following six years have seen BJP leaders embark on a spree of renaming with the aim of removing the Mughal legacy and promoting their own Hinduism-centred narrative….