Nupur Sharma’s hate speech against Islam and Prophet Muhammad is deplorable, say Indian Americans - IAMC

Nupur Sharma’s hate speech against Islam and Prophet Muhammad is deplorable, say Indian Americans

The Indian American Muslim Council, an advocacy group dedicated to safeguarding India’s constitutional values of pluralism and tolerance, today unequivocally condemned Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Nupur Sharma’s blatantly hateful and insulting comments against the Prophet Muhammad and Muslim beliefs during a TimesNow segment anchored by Navika Kumar.

“Nupur Sharma’s hypocrisy is astounding,” said Rasheed Ahmed, Executive Director of IAMC. “In the same breath, she demands that Muslims not insult Hindu religious beliefs and then goes on to spew vicious and untrue claims about Islam, the Quran, and the Prophet Muhammad. TimesNow should immediately condemn her hate speech and apologize for giving her a platform to spread her venomous and incendiary views.”

“The press and news media, which is a pillar of any healthy democracy, has a duty to speak truth to power, not urge politicians to spew hatred against an already vulnerable religious minority,” said Syed Afzal Ali, President of IAMC. “That TimesNow anchor Navika Kumar’s segment gives a platform to such vitriolic hate mongers isn’t just irresponsible; it’s highly dangerous in a country that is already backsliding towards a Muslim genocide.”

IAMC also condemns the vicious attacks against journalist Mohammad Zubair and urges Indian authorities to ensure his safety.


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