Panellists at Congressional briefing on Assam urge US government to designate India as 'Country of Particular Concern' - IAMC
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Panellists at Congressional briefing on Assam urge US government to designate India as ‘Country of Particular Concern’

In a Congressional Briefing on Thursday, leading Indian American human rights defenders condemned the Indian government drive to forcibly remove hundreds of thousands of Muslims from their homes in the Indian state of Assam, calling the move a brazen attempt at turning millions of Indian Muslims into non-citizens.


The briefing was co-sponsored by a group of 17 human rights and interfaith organizations, including the Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), Amnesty International USA and Hindus for Human Rights.


In the wake of this targeted anti-Muslim discrimination, the speakers of the briefing demanded that the United States designate India as ‘a Country of Particular Concern or CPC’…. India has been recommended by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) to be placed on the CPC list for two years in a row….