Rakesh Asthana's new job shows how Modi and Shah are out to destroy our institutions - By Julio Ribeiro - IAMC
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Rakesh Asthana’s new job shows how Modi and Shah are out to destroy our institutions – By Julio Ribeiro

Narendra Modi and Amit Shah together wear the same, well-fitting hat…. My own view is that it will only affirm the duo’s intention of destabilising age-old rules in the institution of policing where state police cadres were separated, acknowledged and respected, except in very unusual circumstances.

The administration headed by Modi and Shah, appears to be bent on destroying old established institutions of governance and replacing them with new ones built in their likeness. A police force that does not attempt to provide service to the people but treats the people as zombies who bow and scrape before the rulers is not an ideal to strive for….

Rakesh Asthana, an IPS officer of the Gujarat cadre, was appointed Police Commissioner of Delhi on July 27, a few days before he was slated to retire from service. The Supreme Court had stipulated in its Prakash Singh judgment that only officers with at least six months remaining before superannuation would be eligible to lead state police forces. The principle was clear. Yet it was discarded….
