Six Christians arrested over allegations of forced religious conversion - IAMC
forced conversion

Six Christians arrested over allegations of forced religious conversion

In Balrampur, Chhattisgarh, police arrested six Christians over allegations of forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity.  In Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, Hindu supremacists disrupted a Christian prayer meet over similar allegations. 

In Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Hindu supremacists administered an oath against religious conversions and vowed to reconvert those who converted away from Hinduism. 

Christians across states have been arrested under India’s draconian anti-conversion law, which criminalizes conversion away from Hinduism.

Hindu militant groups conduct air gun, weapon training for Hindus

In Agar, Madhya Pradesh, Hindu militant groups Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal organized an air gun training for its members. In Nagda, Madhya Pradesh, VHP organized a weapon training camp for over 400 girls.

In Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Bajrang Dal leader Neeraj Doneria delivered a dangerous speech advocating violence. Bajrang Dal members were also seen marching on the streets holding canes and swords.

The growing weaponization of violent Hindu supremacists is a cause of concern for the minority Muslim community, who are being threatened with mass slaughter by Hindu extremist groups.

Facebook’s failure to curb hate speech fuels anti-Muslim bigotry in India: Report

A report has exposed how Facebook’s inability to effectively moderate hate speech on its platform in India has allowed extensive networks of pages to amplify calls for violence and genocide against Muslims.

The report, titled “Preachers of Hate,” by human rights organization Stichting The London Story (TLS), identified dangerous content that fell under three broad themes: mobilizing Hindus against Muslims, xenophobic and ridiculing content against Muslims, and blatant calls for the elimination of Muslims.