Two Hindu saints assaulted over suspicion of being Rohingya Muslims - IAMC
Rohingya Muslims

Two Hindu saints assaulted over suspicion of being Rohingya Muslims

In Madhya Pradesh’s Dewas, two Hindu saints were humiliated and beaten by a group of Hindu extremists over suspicion of being Rohingya Muslims.

The victims, Rohit Jogi and Deepak Jogi were saints from Uttar Pradesh and had come to Dewas to beg. A video shows the saints being interrogated by a group of people about their religious identity and knowledge of Hindu scriptures. When they failed to satisfactorily answer the questions, the assailants assumed they were Rohingya Muslims in disguise and proceeded to physically assault them.

In July, a Hindu extremist mob brutally beat three Hindu priests in Uttar Pradesh after accusing them of being Muslims in disguise. 

Hindu extremist outfits demand demolition of 75-year-old mosque in Uttarakhand

Hindu extremist groups have been calling for the demolition of a 75-year-old mosque in Uttarakhand’s Uttarkashi, despite authorities rejecting their demand and claiming that the mosque was legal.

The groups threatened to carry out the demolition themselves if authorities did not act as per their demand. 

“This mosque will be demolished. This is my appeal to Hindu organizations, that we will have to carry out this demolition. If the administration does not agree to demolish it, we will have to do it,” a speaker said during a protest.

Police arrest three Christians over Hindu outfit’s allegations of forced conversion

In Madhya Pradesh’s Betul, acting on a complaint filed by the Hindu supremacist group Rashtriya Hindu Sena, police arrested three Christians who were running an educational coaching center, accusing them of attempting to forcibly convert Hindu students to Christianity.

Christians across states have been arrested under India’s draconian anti-conversion law, which criminalizes conversion away from Hinduism. D.C.-based human rights group International Christian Concern has named India among the top 10 countries persecuting Christians in its 2023 Persecutors of the Year Report. 

India must end repression of dissent in Jammu and Kashmir, says Amnesty International

India must stop using restrictive travel bans and arbitrary detentions under the country’s draconian laws to intimidate critical dissenting voices from speaking out on Jammu and Kashmir, Amnesty International said ahead of the first state elections in the last ten years.

The authorities’ escalating repression of human rights after the revocation the special autonomous status of the region has resulted in arbitrary detentions, passports being revoked, the creation of opaque ‘no flying lists’, the denial of entry into India and arbitrary cancellations of Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) status and affected those with Indian and non-Indian citizenship speaking out against the repression, said the rights watchdog.