'Undercover: My Journey into the Darkness of Hindutva' review: From Gujarat to Delhi, the impact of militant Hindu nationalism - IAMC
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‘Undercover: My Journey into the Darkness of Hindutva’ review: From Gujarat to Delhi, the impact of militant Hindu nationalism


Author: Ashish Khetan

Reviewer: Revati Lal

Context/Westland, ₹499



…. a book titled Undercover is bound to make you ask who is telling the story, how and where. This is the narrative of a journalist whose work led to the conviction of some of the most heinous criminals who took part in the anti-Muslim violence in Gujarat in 2002….


It tells you why Khetan and so many other journalists believe that the Gujarat government turned a blind eye or may have been complicit in various ways in letting the mobs ‘do their thing’ and what evidence they are marshalling in support of these claims.


It also tells the story of how the courts, the police, various people in investigating agencies have failed us as a people and in what precise ways and with what consequences and how the dots join from those acts of violence, complicity and lies to the Delhi riots of 2020….
