BJP Legislator Attends Illegal Arms Training By Hindu Extremist Group Bajrang Dal In Karnataka - IAMC

BJP Legislator Attends Illegal Arms Training By Hindu Extremist Group Bajrang Dal In Karnataka

A state legislator of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Hindu extremist party that rules India, attended an illegal arms training camp run by the Hindu extremist outfit Bajrang Dal in Karnataka state.

The illegal arms training camp was held during May 5-13 at Sai Shankar Educational Institute in the state’s Kodagu district. According to information gleaned from social media, participants were trained in the use of guns.

Some photos of the weekend event showed the group’s leaders distributing weapons, including firearms, among young saffron-clad men. Hindu priests in attendance at the event performed Hindu rituals including a worship of the weapons.

BJP legislator Appachu Ranjan in Karnataka attended the event.

Visuals of the arms training surfaced on the internet evoked sharp reactions from social activists expressing concern over police allowing such an event. One organization called the arms training “a dangerous development to prepare Hindutva supporters for violence against minorities.”

The police are yet to act against the event’s organizers.

Uttar Pradesh Police Fatally Shoot Muslim Woman As She Resisted Their Attempt To Arrest Her Son In False Case Of Cow Slaughter

In a criminal act, police in Uttar Pradesh state shot dead a 53-year-old Muslim woman in Siddhartha Nagar district when she tried to resist their attempt to arrest her son in a false case of cow slaughter.

One of her sons, Mohammad Farooq, said 15-20 police officials barged into their house at night and asked for his brother Abdul Rehman without giving any reasons. Abdul had arrived on May 9 from Mumbai to attend his sister, Rabia’s marriage that was scheduled to take place on May 22.

When Abdul came down, the police caught him and tried to take him away. “Seeing this my mother who was right there ran after them. She held his (Abdul’s) hand and questioned them (the police) as to where they were taking her son. She kept telling the police to let go of him,” said Farooq.

“The police warned her that if she does not let go of her son they will shoot her. And then they shot her,” said Farooq.

Soon after the gunshot, angry villagers came out and started protesting vigorously. The police that came with a special operation group took Abdul away in a hurry.

Roshni sustained bullet injuries and died on the spot. Her sons reportedly took the body of their mother to the hospital where a post-mortem was conducted.

On Sunday, Siddharth Nagar police lodged a First Information Report (FIR) against unidentified policemen on charges of murder.

Court Seals Portion Of Historic Mosque After False Claims Surface That Hindu Idols Have Been Found There 

Hindu organizations falsely claimed that a Hindu religious motif, called Shiva Linga (Lord Shiva’s phallus) was found inside a 17th-century mosque in Varanasi city of Uttar Pradesh. Muslims said the stone structure was actually a fountain.

Incredibly, a court in the city ordered the Uttar Pradesh government to seal the place prohibiting the entry of any person into the sealed room.

The court’s order came after a survey, ordered by a judge, reportedly claimed the Hindu religious idol had been found there. The claim said the ‘shivling’ measured 12 feet long and eight inches in diameter.

Lawyers for the Muslim side, who were part of the said survey, said it was a fountain and not a ‘shivling’. The order of the Varanasi court to seal the room also has been criticised by the Muslim side terming it as biased and taken without hearing both the sides.