Hindu Child Cries for Muslim Mother: A Tale of Communal Harmony in India - IAMC
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Hindu Child Cries for Muslim Mother: A Tale of Communal Harmony in India

A Facebook post by Sreedharan that “my Amma (mother) has honored the summons of Allah, please pray for her soul…if there is heaven, my Amma will surely find a place there,” has caught many eyeballs. It appeared it was a cry of a Hindu child for her Muslim mother. There was definitely curiosity raised through the FB post.

In deeper introspection, it turned out to be a tale of human love cutting across religion and other parochialism that could be an eye opener to those who are forcing the Muslims to chant Jai Sri Ram and killing them for being an Indian Muslim.

The 46-year-old Sreedharan’s Facebook post is an amazing account of how interfaith bonds survive in India even in these troubled times when Hindu minds were rigged in just concluded General Elections of 2019. A pious Muslim couple Zubaida Thennad and Abdul Azeez Haji had three children of their own and they fostered three more, Sreedharan and his two elder sisters Ramani and Leela. The Muslim couple adopted these Hindu kids when their widow mother, Chakki passed away due to sudden illness.…
