Modi Attacks Congress for Criticizing Bajrang Dal and “Kerala Story” - IAMC

Modi Attacks Congress for Criticizing Bajrang Dal and Islamophobic Film “Kerala Story”

Speaking to crowds in Karnataka state, Prime Minister Modi criticized the opposition Congress Party for its attempt to ban an upcoming anti-Muslim propaganda film, “The Kerala Story.” The film portrays Muslims as terrorists and was initially released with blatantly false publicity statements describing how 32,000 Hindu girls had gone missing and joined terrorist organizations. Congress has alleged that the film will inflame anti-Muslim sentiment and spark communal violence.

“Congress is opposing the film made on terrorism and standing with terror tendencies,” Modi said.

Modi also attacked Congress for pledging to ban the violent, Islamophobic extremist group Bajrang Dal. 

Bajrang Dal members have been responsible for countless killings and violent attacks of Muslims and Christians throughout India, including most recently during the Ram Navami procession season.

Youth Groups Protest “Kerala Story” for Dangerous Islamophobic Message

In related news, a group of activists staged a protest in front of a cinema in Kerala state, criticizing the owners for screening the divisive film.

“Kerala is a state where people, cutting across religion and communities, are living together unitedly. The objective of such movies is to divide the state on communal lines and make Kerala like north India,” one Muslim activist said. 

Protesters were prevented by police from entering the cinema.

Students Fined for Not Listening to Modi Radio Program

Students in Dehradun were reportedly fined 100 rupees for not attending a special listening session for PM Modi’s radio program ‘Mann Ki Baat’ at their school. 

National president of the National Association for Parents and Students Rights, Arif Khan, has demanded that the chief education officer of Dehradun oppose this measure. 

The radio programme is one of PM Modi’s most popular propaganda vehicles.