Officials demolish Muslim man’s home without any proof - IAMC
Bulldozing Muslim Homes

Officials demolish Muslim man’s home without any proof of crime

Officials demolished the home of a Muslim man after Hindu supremacist groups demanded police take action regarding the discovery of a severed cow head at a temple in Madhya Pradesh’s Ratlam. Two suspects were taken into custody, and the house of one of them was bulldozed without proper investigation. The CCTV cameras installed in the temple are not functional.

Amnesty International has slammed India’s use of bulldozers to mete out collective punishment against minority communities a violation of international human rights law.

University fines students for protesting suspension of students over Ram temple protest

The administration of a reputed university, the National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Kerala’s Calicut imposed substantial fines of around $4,000 USD on five students who protested the suspension of fellow student activists, who were suspended for holding a protest against the Ram Temple consecration ceremony in January. The Ram Temple was built on the site of the demolished Babri Mosque, which was violently destroyed by Hindu supremacist mobs in 1992. 

Hindu extremists set vehicle ablaze over alleged cattle transport

In Gamharia, Jharkhand, Hindu extremists set fire to a vehicle that was allegedly transporting cattle. The incident is the latest in an ongoing epidemic of violent attacks by cow vigilantes against predominantly Muslim cattle traders.