Muslim students beaten for going to theater with Hindu classmate - IAMC

Muslim students beaten for accompanying Hindu classmate to theater in Karnataka

Two Muslim students were beaten up by Hindu extremists for accompanying a Hindu woman, their classmate, to watch a movie at a theater in Karnataka state. 

The extremists filmed the assault and shared it on social media. After the video clip went viral, the Hindu woman filed a police complaint against the extremist attackers, reporting that she was assaulted alongside her classmates and subjected to caste-based verbal abuse. 

Anti-Muslim hatemongers deliver hate speeches in capital city Delhi

During an event in the capital city of Delhi, Hindu supremacist leader Samkisha Singh delivered anti-Muslim hate speech with explicit calls for mass violence. She also called for India to be turned into a “Hindu nation” rather than a secular democracy. 

Serial hatemonger and Hindu militant leader Pravin Togadia also delivered a hate speech against Muslims and called for anti-Muslim violence. 

Hindu extremists in Uttarakhand raise anti-Muslim slogans during rally

In Hindu supremacist BJP-ruled Uttarakhand state, a crowd of Hindu extremists held a rally against “love jihad,” a baseless conspiracy theory that accuses Muslim men of seducing Hindu women into converting to Islam.

During the rally, the Hindu extremists raised hateful slogans against Muslims, saying that Muslims do not belong to India and should not live there. 

400 anti-Christian violence incidents in India in 190 days, data shows

The United Christian Forum (UCF) has reported that under the Hindu supremacist BJP, India  has witnessed a staggering 400 incidents of violence against Christians across 23 states in the first half of 2023 alone, with BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh state leading the chart with 155 incidents. This figure represents a significant increase compared to the same period last year, which saw 274 incidents reported.

Of particular concern is the ongoing violence in Manipur state, which has persisted for over two months, resulting in the loss of numerous churches and lives.