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Slide railway police INDIA HUMAN RIGHTS MONITOR Muslim man brutally beaten by railway police officer in Bihar In a shocking incident, a 25-year-old Muslim man, Furqan, was brutally beaten by a police officer at a train station in Bihar state. The officer aimed blows at Furqan’s abdomen, where he had recently had surgery, causing his stomach to burst open and his intestines to protrude. Read More keyboard_arrow_left keyboard_arrow_right Slide cow theft INDIA HUMAN RIGHTS MONITOR Driver shot dead while being chased by police over suspected cow theft in Rajasthan A van driver was shot dead while being chased by police over suspected cow theft in Rajasthan. Police, however, claimed that the victim was shot by another group of cow smugglers.

In another incident in Pali, Rajasthan, Hindu extremist cow vigilantes assaulted an elderly truck driver for transporting cattle.
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Slide 1 Report So Many Targets: Contextualizing Modern Indian Transnational Repression Against the Sikh Community So Many Targets includes a definition of transnational repression, and an overview of events—both historical and since 2023—driving Indian transnational repression against the Sikh diaspora. Read More keyboard_arrow_left keyboard_arrow_right Slide Letter to Elon Musk PRESS RELEASE IAMC condemns planned inclusion of anti-Muslim float at New York City’s India Day Parade The Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), the largest advocacy organization representing diaspora Indian Muslims in the United States, strongly condemns and expresses deep concern over the planned inclusion of an anti-Muslim float at a parade in New York City next month. Read More keyboard_arrow_left keyboard_arrow_right Slide Human Rights Abuse in India OP-ED JACOBIN: Release India’s Political Prisoners
In the last four years, Indian student leader Umar Khalid has moved his application for bail over a dozen times. Shunted from the low Delhi courts all the way up to the Supreme Court, he has been hit repeatedly with delayed hearings or outright denial of bail, leaving him indefinitely behind bars. Read More keyboard_arrow_left keyboard_arrow_right
Slide IAMC Interviews INTERVIEW Radio Islam International: Safa Ahmed on human rights and religious freedoms in India Safa Ahmed talks to Radio Islam International about deteriorating human rights and religious freedoms in India, as well as calls from US civil society and religious freedom experts to designate India as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC). Read More keyboard_arrow_left keyboard_arrow_right Slide Modi condemned IMPORTANT STORY ModiSpeak: Manifesto for a Hindu Nation The 2024 national elections braked India’s slide into authoritarianism but did not halt it. The Narendra Modi-led Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) secured 240 of 543 parliamentary seats even as, diminished by voter pushback, the BJP lost 63 seats. Failing to secure the requisite 272-seat majority, Modi forfeited the ability to command a solely BJP national government. Read More keyboard_arrow_left keyboard_arrow_right


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About Us

IAMC is the largest US-based advocacy organization of Indian American Muslims. It was registered in Washington, D.C. in 2002 as a tax-exempt non-profit. It has chapters across the country with thousands of members.

Our Objectives

Pluralism, Tolerance and Respect

To promote the common values of pluralism, tolerance, and respect for human rights that form the basis of the world’s two largest secular democracies – the United States and India.

Interfaith and Inter-community Understanding

To work towards increasing inter-faith and inter-community understanding in the United States, with particular focus on the Indian Diaspora with a view to safeguard individuals and societal institutions from infiltration by divisive and hate-filled ideologies.

Education and Awareness

To provide a platform for increasing education and awareness about issues of interest to the Indian community in the United States.

Alliances and Relationships

To build alliances and relationships with all individuals and groups who share our basic values, in order to work together for achieving the above objectives.

Responsible Voice

To provide a responsible voice for the Indian Muslim Diaspora in the United States in their quest for all of the above objectives.

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