Hindu Extremist Government Of Uttar Pradesh Illegally Razes Islamic Seminary Without Notice To School Administration - IAMC

Hindu Extremist Government Of Uttar Pradesh Illegally Razes Islamic Seminary Without Notice To School Administration

Hindu extremist authorities in Uttar Pradesh, which is run by the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), bulldozed a children’s madrasa (Islamic school) one day after the Muslim holiday Eid-Ul-Fitr, without any notice to the school administrators.

While the authorities claimed that the demolition was justified due to it being an “illegal” structure and that “no religious sentiments were hurt,” a video taken of the incident shows young students scrambling to pick up copies of the Quran from the rubble.

The caption along with the video said the “madrasa” was “suddenly bulldozed by Hindu Police,” The Holy Quran was “desecrated.”

In recent weeks, Hindu extremist administrations have targeted Muslim-owned homes, stores, and spaces of worship in demolition drives across India. Hindu supremacist authorities have used flimsy justifications of “illegal encroachment” to target the properties of religious minorities.

Amit Shah Calls Muslims ‘Infiltrators,’ Says CAA Will Be Implemented After COVID-19 Pandemic Ends

Union Home Minister Amit Shah, a Hindu supremacist and close ally of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, hatefully referred to Muslims of Bengali descent as “infiltrators” and declared that the discriminatory Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), which fast-tracks citizenship for all except Muslims, will be implemented after the COVID-19 pandemic ends.

“We will implement CAA on the ground the moment the COVID-19 pandemic ends. [West Bengal Chief Minister] Mamata [Banerjee] only wants that the infiltration continues and the refugees who have come to Bengal should not get citizenship. CAA was reality, is reality and is going to be a reality,” said Shah.

The CAA allows persecuted minorities who are Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi, and Christian to gain Indian citizenship, but shuts out refugees such as the Rohingya Muslims on the basis of their faith. Human rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have slammed the CAA as being inherently discriminatory against Muslims and designates them as less worthy of being Indian.

BJP-RSS Leaders Including Kapil Mishra Spread Fake News To Incite Anti-Muslim Hatred

BJP leader Kapil Mishra, a prominent Hindu supremacist with a history of hate speech against Muslims, attempted to use the tragic murder of a 21-year-old Hindu woman to fuel anti-Muslim hatred by falsely claiming that her murderer was her Muslim lover.

In a since-deleted tweet, Mishra claimed that Sutupa Chowdhury was stabbed to death by a Muslim man in an act of “Love Jihad,” a conspiracy circulated by Hindu extremists that claims Muslim men have an agenda to seduce and convert Hindu women.

“Every day Hindu girls are getting killed… Love Jihad has become the most serious threat,” Mishra wrote. He was retweeting the post of Rajiv Tuli, a member of the paramilitary Hindu supremacist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), who claimed that the victim had been murdered because she turned down a Muslim man’s proposal and refused to accept Islam.

“Welcome to Islamic state of Bengal,” Tuli tweeted, along with a video of the incident.

Hindu extremists widely circulated the false information with anti-Muslim captions before police confirmed the murderer to be a Hindu man named Susanta Chowdhury. Police later tweeted that reports had been filed against “rumor mongers,” tagging Mishra.

With BJP Leader In Attendance, Hindu Extremist Self-Styled Journalist Suresh Chavhanke Administers Oath to Make India Hindu Nation 

High-profile Hindu supremacist and Sudarshan TV head Suresh Chavhanke was caught on video administering an oath to a group of Hindu extremists at an event in Haryana state, pledging to turn India into a Hindu rashtra (nation). BJP leader Aseem Goyal also gave the hateful oath, which is an open incitement of violence against Muslims and other religious minorities.

In the video, Chavhanke and the other extremists can be heard saying, “If needed, we will make or take sacrifice for it. But we will declare the country a Hindu nation at any cost.”

Chavhanke is vocal in his anti-Muslim hatred and support for Hindu extremism, going as far as to tweet that secularism was a “disease.” Last December, Chavhanke attended a hate speech event where he called upon Hindus to take an oath to “die for and kill” in order to turn India into a Hindu nation. He continues to walk free despite his repeated calls for violence.

Hateful oath-taking events have grown increasingly common in India. In Uttar Pradesh, Hindu youth were indoctrinated into the Hindu supremacist ideology through multiple oath-taking events shortly after the Haridwar assembly. In an event reminiscent of the Hitler Youth, schoolchildren swore “to turn India into a Hindu Rashtra.” In early January, extremists in Chhattisgarh state pledged that they would not employ or lease their lands to Muslims.